
Review our Publications

Review our Publications

Racism Reports

Since 2021 onwards, the BIPOC Department publishes an annual Racism Report. These reports play a crucial role in empowering BIPOC students to speak out about racism they face at ANU and holds the ANU accountable to prevent racism on campus.

Racism Documentary 2023
Racism Documentary 2023
Racism Documentary 2023

Racism Documentary 2023

This documentary is a visual and qualitative account of the experiences of BIPOC students at ANU, highlighting challenges in transitioning, classes, campus life, and support services, and offers recommendations to improve their experiences.

Racism Report 2022

This report highlights the ongoing challenges faced by BIPOC students at ANU and provides detailed recommendations for addressing and combating racism on campus. Download to learn more about our findings and proposed actions.

Racism Report 2021

This report highlights incidents of racism and discrimination at ANU, providing an analysis of the challenges faced by BIPOC students and outlining actionable recommendations for fostering an inclusive environment.


Explore our zines, BIPOC students have come together to bring you art, literature, poetry, and more.


In 2024, ANU BIPOC Department released its second edition of its 'Colourblind' zine for the 'International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination'. It is a call to truly reflect on that day and acknowledge racism, stand in solidarity with those who have experienced it, open up real conversations, and engage with decolonising and anti-racism initiatives.


In 2023, ANU BIPOC Department released its first zine to provide a channel for students of colour to express their identity as Bla(c)k, Indigenous and/or People of Colour. This zine has allowed many BIPOC artists and writers to share their work and stories with the wider ANU community - this is essential in fostering understanding between communities.