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Afif Haque
Afif Haque

I'm Canberran born and raised, and my background's from Bangladesh. In the Ethnocultural Department I am the Publicity Officer. Basically, I'm in charge of promoting the Department through our channels. I believe that the Ethnocultural Department is a crucial platform in advocating for ethnoculturally diverse students and the issues that affect them.

Afif Haque is a second year law/economics student.

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Afif Haque

I'm Canberran born and raised, and my background's from Bangladesh. In the Ethnocultural Department I am the Publicity Officer. Basically, I'm in charge of promoting the Department through our channels. I believe that the Ethnocultural Department is a crucial platform in advocating for ethnoculturally diverse students and the issues that affect them.

Afif Haque is a second year law/economics student.

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Afif Haque
Afif Haque

I'm Canberran born and raised, and my background's from Bangladesh. In the Ethnocultural Department I am the Publicity Officer. Basically, I'm in charge of promoting the Department through our channels. I believe that the Ethnocultural Department is a crucial platform in advocating for ethnoculturally diverse students and the issues that affect them.

Afif Haque is a second year law/economics student.

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