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My name is Aleesya and I'll be your BIPOC Officer for 2025! I'm a third year Law/IR originally from the coast of Western Australia. Advocacy is a major passion of mine especially when it comes to making the ANU a safer space for its BIPOC students so please never hesitate to reach out to me! So excited for what 2025 has in store for the department <3
Sunlaying on Kambri lawns
All things pink
Urban Tiger lunch bowls
Canberra winters
Law library
SONG OF THE SUMMER: Peggy - Ceechyna
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Hi 👋, How can we help you today?
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My name is Aleesya and I'll be your BIPOC Officer for 2025! I'm a third year Law/IR originally from the coast of Western Australia. Advocacy is a major passion of mine especially when it comes to making the ANU a safer space for its BIPOC students so please never hesitate to reach out to me! So excited for what 2025 has in store for the department <3
Sunlaying on Kambri lawns
All things pink
Urban Tiger lunch bowls
Canberra winters
Law library
SONG OF THE SUMMER: Peggy - Ceechyna
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My name is Aleesya and I'll be your BIPOC Officer for 2025! I'm a third year Law/IR originally from the coast of Western Australia. Advocacy is a major passion of mine especially when it comes to making the ANU a safer space for its BIPOC students so please never hesitate to reach out to me! So excited for what 2025 has in store for the department <3
Sunlaying on Kambri lawns
All things pink
Urban Tiger lunch bowls
Canberra winters
Law library
SONG OF THE SUMMER: Peggy - Ceechyna
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Please click the "feedback" button to fill out the feedback form.
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Hi 👋, How can we help you today?
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