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Feb 19, 2025
Collective Meeting 1
Taken By: Saira Afridi
Meeting Details
Meeting Date: 19 February 2025
Time: 5:05 - 6:03
Chair: Aleesya Amirizal
Minute-Taker: Saira Afridi
Attendees: Aleesya, Saira, Aria, Justine, Malli, Annto, Grace, Tian, Anenya, Natarsha, Nadia, Linh, Georgina, Florence
Apologies: Daniella
Acknowledgement of Country
The ANU BIPOC Department acknowledges the traditional custodians of the land, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples, and pays respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Officer Report
O-Week was a success!
Any art from O-week events can be placed into BIPOC Department's display cabinet.
Future events
Plans to have 1 or 2 events each week
More BASC & ACS engagement
Iftar dinner, collab with Muslim society hosted at BIPOC base
Semester party can be a fundraiser
NSA Ombudsman
Looking at course cuts, and individual accounts of racism
Can hold ANU to account
Want to support our racism report
SRC motions
Proposing 2 motions: Woroni confirmation re social media investigation, most students involved in the encampment were BIPOC, condemn university motion & BIPOC mural, free speech
ANUSA presidents spoke to academic board - new committee has been created regarding free speech & wants Aleesya to be on this board
Racism report
College specific
Secretary Report
Reminder about sending in agenda
BIPOC base re-organise
Meet with Florence to discuss BIPOC base monthly order form
Key Minutes & Actions:
Amendments- safer spaces & BIPOC Base
Library in BIPOC Base:
Lending system QR Code
Paper form
Treasurer Report
Yet to finalise O-Week spending + Merch sales from O-Week
Haven't fully calculated what we spent on O-week
Approx $1,000 spent, $300 made on merch
We can invoice ANU for $5,000- perhaps for o week
Budget for $18,000
Key Minutes & Actions:
$5000 remaining for rest of exec and others who help out over the two semesters
$22,005 for officer, can dispute this amount
Social Officer Report
O-Week recap
Chai and chats: want to keep running
Semester 1 events schedule
Rotating schedule, every 3 weeks
Dinners at collective meetings/ chai and chats
BIPOC talks, consciousness raising fornightly
Plans to have craft night, scrapbooking, study groups etc
Dinners would need to be advertised
Conclusion: fortnightly BIPOC talks and chai and chats on a rotating basis
Semester 1 party planning
Not going to be a fundraiser
Ticket funds toward ball
Rex Hotel for ball
Reach out to sideways, blue eyes, One 22 (Tasha can reach out for us)
18+ event
Zine discussion
Need to check EOI list
BIPOC Base Posters
Need to advertise Zine
Launch Event (live music)
Advocacy Officer Report
Future Event Discussion
Campaign Ideas:
Panel with Indigenous department & international department
BIPOC people in Academia, outdated curriculum, forum for discussion - centering BIPOC voices in academia
Look at less intersectional fields of study (science, enviro etc)
Reporting mechanisms on racism at the university are not accessible
RRU working on similar system for racism and racism training
Try and work with ANU to improve training and reporting processes
Publish the recommendations and their response - talk to ANU legal
Publicity Officer Report
Exec takeover on socials
Day in the life reels aim to make exec more approachable
Key Minutes & Actions:
ANU Cultural Centre : Asia-Pacific merger
Continue with Palestinian advocacy
Open the floor for other advocacy channels
Communication channel, see what BIPOC students are passionate about, story channel
We read DMs and will post certain advocacy info
More infographics e.g., colourism
Postgrad Rep Report
Events planning for this semester
Iftar dinners:
Host at BIPOC Base: thoughts on 21st March, Friday week 5
Movie night:
Second half of the sem
Work on poster with Aria on Canva
Book club idea
BASC Rep Report
Plans to engage with more BASC identifying people
Working towards holding an event
Web Designer
Website's need for advertising
Needs more engagement with website - can promote on socials and BIPOC Base
Website ideas for 2025
Change structure to make 2025 page stand out
Blog posts on the website
Digitising Zine online - blog style
Access to base page on website needs to be changed