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May 15, 2024
Collective Meeting 10
Taken By: Precious Guma
Meeting Details
Date: 15/05/24
Opened: 5:00 PM
Closed: 5:41 PM
Attendance: Listed at the end of the document
Apologies: Emalisa
Acknowledgement of Country
The ANU BIPOC Department acknowledges the traditional owners of this land, the Ngunnawal and Ngambri peoples. We pay our respects to Elders, past, present, and emerging. We acknowledge that this land was stolen and sovereignty was never ceded. We welcome all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to our Collective and commit to standing with our First Nations people.
Officer Report
Report Against Ursula Hall
Received a response from the Dean of Students.
Heads of Hall agreed to meet with Selena, likely next Monday (date and time TBC).
Chai n Chats
Incident occurred this Monday.
Reinforcing the Safer Spaces Policy with a zero-tolerance approach.
Run by Chia this week; reported as a success.
Indigenous Panel
Postponed from this Friday to accommodate the candlelight vigil at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.
No significant updates this week.
Secretary Report
Motion to amend section 19 of the Constitution to allow distributing honoraria either at the end of each semester or all at once at the end of the year.
Moved by Maitrey.
9 voted, all in favor.
Collective decided to split payments this year (30/70 between semesters 1 and 2).
Nomination form to be released tonight and closed before the next collective meeting.
Self-nominations encouraged.
Outreach to those known to have contributed.
Separate nominations for sem 1 and sem 2 honoraria.
Only nominees who fill out the form will receive honoraria.
Motion regarding the distribution of honoraria to individuals will be brought next week.
Recipients of honoraria cannot vote on this motion.
Treasurer Report
Plan to print 250 zines for sale throughout the year.
Awaiting quotation to apply for Woroni grant.
On track for the mid-year financial report.
Social Officer Report
Main focus for semester 2 is the BIPOC Ball.
Assisting with admin and execution of other executive members’ visions (especially BASC and First Year Officers).
Review of the Safer Spaces Policy with Precious due to recent incidents at events.
Review and potentially increase turnout for BIPOC Talks and Chai n Chats.
Consider frequency adjustments for Chai n Chats and resource allocation.
Greater engagement with residential halls.
Interest in contributing to the website and creating a social calendar.
Planning more collaborations with the Indigenous Department leading up to the Ball.
Advocacy Officer Report
Working on the website.
Expected cost between $260-$276 per year.
Suggestion to use the advocacy budget, but concerns about reducing funds for advocacy initiatives were raised.
Further discussion required.
Created a brainstorming document for the website (collaborative effort needed).
Publicity Officer Report
Working on improving the process for graphics requests to Aleesya.
BASC Officer Report
No updates.
First Year Officer Report
Promoting TikTok on stories.
Other Business
Tea and Slay